Při projíždění ulic chcete styl a výkon. Fafrees přináší nové vylepšené ebike se středním pohonem FM9, kolo, na kterém můžete dojíždět, cvičit a nosit věci dál. Přepracovaná průchozí geometrie a skrytá baterie vám zajistí jistější jízdní pozici. Integrovaný střední motor BAFANG, snímač točivého momentu a kliky jsou sladěny se stejnou řadou LCD displeje, aby zajistily plynulou, tichou a plynulou jízdu, zatímco ovladač motoru mastermind vytěží maximum z vaší elektronické pomoci. Součástí jsou plně natažené blatníky, LED přední a zadní světla a zadní HD nosič s kapacitou 55 liber. Šlápněte do pedálů a jděte cítit vítr ve tváři, vzduch v plicích a vše, co život na dvou kolech nabízí.

Motor BAFANG se středním pohonem se snímačem točivého momentu

Motor středního pohonu BAFANG maximalizuje výkon a vyvažování zátěže s intuitivní odezvou, díky které je šlapání přirozené. Funguje synergicky s převody motocyklu pro vyšší efektivitu, což se promítá do delšího dojezdu na jedno nabití. S točivým momentem až 65 N.m můžete jezdit, abyste drželi krok s proudem provozu, nebo umožnit dlouhé, plynulé celodenní jízdy.


15Ah integrovaná trubková baterie

Integrovaná odnímatelná a uzamykatelná trubková baterie - Snadné nabíjení, snadné zajištění. S pomocí maximální účinnosti středního motoru prodlouží váš jízdní dosah až na 74 mil na jedno nabití. Design integrované baterie vám poskytne styl a výkon, aniž byste museli obětovat pohodlí při jízdě po městě.

LCD displej BAFANG

Dokonale sladěný s motorem, vysoce kontrastní LCD displej BAFANG odhaluje všechny důležité informace o vaší jízdě. Uživatelské rozhraní je jasně čitelné a intuitivní na ovládání a lze jej bez problémů číst i na přímém slunci. Přídavný výstup lze individuálně ovládat pomocí 5 úrovní podpory. Odpovídá třídě ochrany IP 65.


Hydraulická odpružená vidlice

Hydraulický tlakový systém upravuje hodnotu pohodlí pro lepší zážitek a zvyšuje stabilitu výkonu (vzdálenost: 63 mm). Pomocí nastavení rychlosti odskoku můžete ovládat měkký a tvrdý zdvih tak, aby vyhovoval různým podmínkám vozovky.

7rychlostní řazení SHIMANO

7rychlostní řazení a přehazovačka Shimano nabízí přesné a plynulé řazení a zajišťuje, že vaše hnací ústrojí bude i nadále reagovat v průběhu času.


Mechanické kotoučové brzdy TEKTRO

Brzdový systém Tektro se 160 mm dlouhými destičkami a systémem ovládání koule a rampy, navržený pro optimální pevnost a odvod tepla, může poskytnout bezpečné a přesné brzdění.

Světla na kola vyhovující StVZO

Jasná světla se speciálně navrženými čočkami, které nasměrují paprsek tak, aby neoslňovaly ostatní účastníky silničního provozu, a udrží paprsek zaostřený přímo na silnici před vámi, díky čemuž jsou silnice bezpečnější pro všechny.


Jistá kontrola

Pneumatiky KENDA 700C*45C poskytují vynikající odolnost proti skluzu a tření díky jedinečnému vzorku běhounu. Víceúhlový představec řídítek pojme jezdce různých výšek nebo stylů jízdy. Zadní nosič nákladu je dostatečně robustní, aby pojal vaše zavazadla nebo dětskou sedačku. Ergonomické kožené sedlo s odolnými pevnými ocelovými kolejnicemi a měkčí hustotou vám zajistí jistější jízdní pozici.


Nastavitelná sedací trubka je ideální pro teenagery a dospělé s výškou 155–195 cm s maximálním zatížením 264 liber.


Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Donal Casey
Fafrees f20 master

After doing a lot of searching and reading I decided on getting the f20 master and after a month of using it I have no regrets. The bike came well packaged and was setup in 15 minutes. The quality of the bike is really good had squeaky rear brakes for the first week or so but knew they were just bedding in all good now Battery is true to what fafrees say got 140 km on a full charge my commute is 30 km daily with a lot of hills and the bike just glides up them effortlessly. Only downside to the bike for me is the saddle which isn't the most comfortable but overall I'm really pleased with my f20 master and would recommend

Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

🚚 Shipping - Free shipping on all orders to anywhere in Ireland and Europe. 7-15 business days delivery time.
💝 Return & Refund Guarantee - 30 Days Hassle Free Returns & 12 Months Warranty. Please refer to t&C .
📞 Customer Support - Please email us at support@pogocycles.com. Our support team will reply within 8 hours.

*Accesories shown in the pictures may be optional or available to buy seperately
*All bikes are water resistant. For extra protection, do cover your screens with plastic sheet to avoid water ingress when driving in rain

After brexit most items come with 2 pin plug as UK stock can't be shipped to Ireland anymore . We try to send adapter but sometimes it doesn't come. We will reimburse upto 5 euros for the same.

*Product specifications like battery are directly mentioned by manufacturers and they are under optimum test conditions, they may vary with external factors like weight ,speed, wind and road conditions

Law:- Its completely legal to buy, sell and own an e-scooter in Ireland. At the moment, privately-owned electric scooters are illegal to use on the public highway in Ireland & the UK. However they can be ridden on private land.Check local country laws before purchase

Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Donal Casey
Fafrees f20 master

After doing a lot of searching and reading I decided on getting the f20 master and after a month of using it I have no regrets. The bike came well packaged and was setup in 15 minutes. The quality of the bike is really good had squeaky rear brakes for the first week or so but knew they were just bedding in all good now Battery is true to what fafrees say got 140 km on a full charge my commute is 30 km daily with a lot of hills and the bike just glides up them effortlessly. Only downside to the bike for me is the saddle which isn't the most comfortable but overall I'm really pleased with my f20 master and would recommend

Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Donal Casey
Fafrees f20 master

After doing a lot of searching and reading I decided on getting the f20 master and after a month of using it I have no regrets. The bike came well packaged and was setup in 15 minutes. The quality of the bike is really good had squeaky rear brakes for the first week or so but knew they were just bedding in all good now Battery is true to what fafrees say got 140 km on a full charge my commute is 30 km daily with a lot of hills and the bike just glides up them effortlessly. Only downside to the bike for me is the saddle which isn't the most comfortable but overall I'm really pleased with my f20 master and would recommend

Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
Donal Casey
Fafrees f20 master

After doing a lot of searching and reading I decided on getting the f20 master and after a month of using it I have no regrets. The bike came well packaged and was setup in 15 minutes. The quality of the bike is really good had squeaky rear brakes for the first week or so but knew they were just bedding in all good now Battery is true to what fafrees say got 140 km on a full charge my commute is 30 km daily with a lot of hills and the bike just glides up them effortlessly. Only downside to the bike for me is the saddle which isn't the most comfortable but overall I'm really pleased with my f20 master and would recommend

Michael Moloney
Fafrees e bike

Looks nice and really comfortable to ride nice and smooth on the road. Very easy to use with great speed and very good range on the battery.im really happy with my bike.

Desmond Rainey
New and Old Bike

I have been in communication with Fafrees. I am totally annoyed that the sales team told me I could use the old battery still working from my previous bike that was involved in an accident on my new bike. THAT IS TOTALLY MISLEADING.

Hi there,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused but We are not fafrees but pogo cycles


Graham O'Donnell
An unpleasant experience

Only Abby responded to me in a civil and courteous manner. All other replies were anonymous, perfunctory and hostile. Not pleasant.

Dear valued customer,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize for any unpleasant interactions you may have had with our team. We take customer service very seriously and strive to provide a positive and helpful experience for all of our customers. We will take your feedback into consideration and work towards improving our customer service. Thank you for choosing FAFREES F20 City - Electric Folding Bike.

The FAFREES team


No mudguards

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