Назив модела
Назив бренда
Материјал оквира
Легура алуминијума, склопива
Величина точка
20" , точак кракова
20"* 4.0
Задња главчина 48В750В бафанг
Обртни момент
48В15АХ литијумска батерија
Положај бате
Интегрисана батерија
Схимано 7 брзина
Максимална брзина
Кочиони систем
Предња/задња диск кочница
Средњи ЛЦД екран блуетоотх
ЕУ складиште
12 месеци
Предња виљушка
Предња виљушка са блокадом
Предње светло
Време пуњења
5-6 сати
Место порекла
Фат гума/ гума за снег/ гума за плажу Ебике
Услуга снабдевања
Начин паковања
85% претходно саставити, јак картон

Честа питања

1.Где је пошиљка и када ће бити испоручена? Неки модели имају на залихама у пољском складишту и складишту у САД, могу проверити са корисничком службом и наручити директно, на све поруџбине на лагеру се одговара у року од 24 сата, шаље се у року од 3 дана, а корисник добија у року од 3-10 дана.(Празници ће бити одложени).

2. Да ли постоји додатна батерија коју можете купити?
Цео бицикл је опремљен литијумском батеријом.Ако треба да купите резервну батерију, можете да се обратите нашој служби за
корисничке услуге ради упита и наручивања.

3. Који сертификат има?
Цертификат ЦЕ за бицикле, РОХС, ВЕЕЕ, МСДА, ГЦЦ, УЛ.

4. Где се бицикл може поправити и гарантовати?
За опште одржавање, препоручује се да пронађете локалну професионалну радњу за поправку бицикала.Пружамо додатну опрему и
техничку подршку, као што су неки видео снимци са упутствима за замену додатне опреме.Ако сам производ има озбиљан квалитет
проблеми, можете контактирати корисничку подршку да потврдите одржавање.

5. Могу ли да имам свој прилагођени производ?
Наравно. Ваши прилагођени захтеви за боју, лого, дизајн, паковање, ознаку картона, ваш језички приручник итд.Веома смо добродошли.

6. Могу ли да мешам различите моделе у једном контејнеру?
Да. Различити модели се могу мешати у једном контејнеру.

7. Како наше пословање чините дугорочним и добрим односом?
О:1.Задржавамо добар квалитет и конкурентну цену како бисмо осигурали да наши купци имају користи; Поштујемо сваког купца као нашег пријатеља и искрено послујемо и дружимо се са њима, без обзира одакле долазе.

8. Како ваша фабрика спроводи контролу квалитета?
О: Придајемо велику важност контроли квалитета.Сваки део наших производа има свој КЦ за тестирање веома пажљиво.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Sean McCrave
KAISDA K6 Pro Electric City Bike

Arrived promptly. Easy to assemble despite poor booklet. Rides well. Was unable to set up the throttle. But good bike overall.


Please if you can copy this here

Lucia Novakova

1) since the bicycle needs to be assembled, there is no manual on how to assemble it;
2) as the bike is new, in my opinion, it has too many scratches;
3) the screw for fixing the light is missing.

Shared assembly video. apologies for the scracthes have reimbursed 40 euros

Good bike but no cruise control ?


It's a good bike for my wife, But can someone tell me how to activate the cruise control ??
Also, I installed the application « Key-Disp » on my phone but cannot connect via Bluetooth
Message when I want to connect : « TY refuses the association » ?
No information in the manual, what is the procedure ?


Marie Kilcullen
I have only been out on a short cycle, only getting used to the features on the bike. So far so ...

Was unsure at first about order a bike online. Everything went with out a hitch, bike delivered to house, would have liked a text from delivery company to confirm day of delivery, which I did not get. I got Cycle Clinic to assemble the bike, they called to the house and assembled the bike in their mobile van in 45 min. Overall very happy with the experience with Pogo Cycles and would highly recommend them.

Noel Billington
Lovely Bike

Bought this model for my wife who is delighted with it, looks good and runs well. Delivered same week which was a bonus and an excellent price.

🚚 Shipping - Free shipping on all orders to anywhere in Ireland and Europe. 7-15 business days delivery time.
💝 Return & Refund Guarantee - 30 Days Hassle Free Returns & 12 Months Warranty. Please refer to t&C .
📞 Customer Support - Please email us at support@pogocycles.com. Our support team will reply within 8 hours.

*Accesories shown in the pictures may be optional or available to buy seperately
*All bikes are water resistant. For extra protection, do cover your screens with plastic sheet to avoid water ingress when driving in rain

After brexit most items come with 2 pin plug as UK stock can't be shipped to Ireland anymore . We try to send adapter but sometimes it doesn't come. We will reimburse upto 5 euros for the same.

*Product specifications like battery are directly mentioned by manufacturers and they are under optimum test conditions, they may vary with external factors like weight ,speed, wind and road conditions

Law:- Its completely legal to buy, sell and own an e-scooter in Ireland. At the moment, privately-owned electric scooters are illegal to use on the public highway in Ireland & the UK. However they can be ridden on private land.Check local country laws before purchase

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Sean McCrave
KAISDA K6 Pro Electric City Bike

Arrived promptly. Easy to assemble despite poor booklet. Rides well. Was unable to set up the throttle. But good bike overall.


Please if you can copy this here

Lucia Novakova

1) since the bicycle needs to be assembled, there is no manual on how to assemble it;
2) as the bike is new, in my opinion, it has too many scratches;
3) the screw for fixing the light is missing.

Shared assembly video. apologies for the scracthes have reimbursed 40 euros

Good bike but no cruise control ?


It's a good bike for my wife, But can someone tell me how to activate the cruise control ??
Also, I installed the application « Key-Disp » on my phone but cannot connect via Bluetooth
Message when I want to connect : « TY refuses the association » ?
No information in the manual, what is the procedure ?


Marie Kilcullen
I have only been out on a short cycle, only getting used to the features on the bike. So far so ...

Was unsure at first about order a bike online. Everything went with out a hitch, bike delivered to house, would have liked a text from delivery company to confirm day of delivery, which I did not get. I got Cycle Clinic to assemble the bike, they called to the house and assembled the bike in their mobile van in 45 min. Overall very happy with the experience with Pogo Cycles and would highly recommend them.

Noel Billington
Lovely Bike

Bought this model for my wife who is delighted with it, looks good and runs well. Delivered same week which was a bonus and an excellent price.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Sean McCrave
KAISDA K6 Pro Electric City Bike

Arrived promptly. Easy to assemble despite poor booklet. Rides well. Was unable to set up the throttle. But good bike overall.


Please if you can copy this here

Lucia Novakova

1) since the bicycle needs to be assembled, there is no manual on how to assemble it;
2) as the bike is new, in my opinion, it has too many scratches;
3) the screw for fixing the light is missing.

Shared assembly video. apologies for the scracthes have reimbursed 40 euros

Good bike but no cruise control ?


It's a good bike for my wife, But can someone tell me how to activate the cruise control ??
Also, I installed the application « Key-Disp » on my phone but cannot connect via Bluetooth
Message when I want to connect : « TY refuses the association » ?
No information in the manual, what is the procedure ?


Marie Kilcullen
I have only been out on a short cycle, only getting used to the features on the bike. So far so ...

Was unsure at first about order a bike online. Everything went with out a hitch, bike delivered to house, would have liked a text from delivery company to confirm day of delivery, which I did not get. I got Cycle Clinic to assemble the bike, they called to the house and assembled the bike in their mobile van in 45 min. Overall very happy with the experience with Pogo Cycles and would highly recommend them.

Noel Billington
Lovely Bike

Bought this model for my wife who is delighted with it, looks good and runs well. Delivered same week which was a bonus and an excellent price.

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Sean McCrave
KAISDA K6 Pro Electric City Bike

Arrived promptly. Easy to assemble despite poor booklet. Rides well. Was unable to set up the throttle. But good bike overall.


Please if you can copy this here

Lucia Novakova

1) since the bicycle needs to be assembled, there is no manual on how to assemble it;
2) as the bike is new, in my opinion, it has too many scratches;
3) the screw for fixing the light is missing.

Shared assembly video. apologies for the scracthes have reimbursed 40 euros

Good bike but no cruise control ?


It's a good bike for my wife, But can someone tell me how to activate the cruise control ??
Also, I installed the application « Key-Disp » on my phone but cannot connect via Bluetooth
Message when I want to connect : « TY refuses the association » ?
No information in the manual, what is the procedure ?


Marie Kilcullen
I have only been out on a short cycle, only getting used to the features on the bike. So far so ...

Was unsure at first about order a bike online. Everything went with out a hitch, bike delivered to house, would have liked a text from delivery company to confirm day of delivery, which I did not get. I got Cycle Clinic to assemble the bike, they called to the house and assembled the bike in their mobile van in 45 min. Overall very happy with the experience with Pogo Cycles and would highly recommend them.

Noel Billington
Lovely Bike

Bought this model for my wife who is delighted with it, looks good and runs well. Delivered same week which was a bonus and an excellent price.

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